Below we have outlined a suggested timeline for the champions and pharmacist meetings both before and after the pain reviews, together with some suggestions for topics to discuss. In later lessons in this module, we will provide some guidance on the approach we think you could take to discussing cases with pharmacists.
Before the pain reviews start

At the point the pharmacists are randomised to the intervention arm, they will receive their login to the e-learning
- Champions to contact allocated pharmacist(s)
- Establish preferred method of staying in touch and having meetings (online, face-to-face)

1st online training session
- The champion role in the group sessions will be to facilitate observations and feedback related to role play
- Observe pharmacist(s) apply skills from the training
- Give feedback to allow the pharmacist reflect on their delivery of the pain review, in the spirit that the training was intended

1st meeting (before or after the 1st online training session)
- Introductions
- Discuss aspects covering reflective practice and signposting before summarising any learning points. Then plan for the 2nd meeting and 1st or 2nd online training session

2nd online training session
- Observe pharmacist(s) apply skills from the training
- Give feedback to allow the pharmacist reflect on their delivery of the pain review, in the spirit that the training was intended

2nd meeting (before or after the 2nd online training session)
- Discuss aspects covering reflective practice and research processes before summarising any learning points and planning for meeting after the pain reviews start

In the first couple of meetings, we suggest you look to create an environment of respect, openness and understanding. Establishing a rapport will help you and the clinical pharmacist share information with each other.

Get to know the clinical pharmacist and allow them to get to know you
- Find out about the pharmacist’s role in the practice
- How much support do they get from admin/ management staff in their usual practice
- Find out how much support they are getting for PROMPPT, encourage pharmacists to find support within the practice
Explore the pharmacist’s expectations about the champion role (are they aligned with your expectations?)
Plan how to keep in contact and have meetings
- There are options for the meetings to be 1:1, 2 (pharmacists):1 (champion), or a mix of both.
- What happens when champions take leave (eg out of office, buddy champion)?
- Set boundaries about non-working days
After the pain reviews start
Plan to schedule at least 3 meetings after the pharmacist has started to deliver the pain reviews
The aim of each of three meetings will be to:
- Discuss any matters around delivering the pain reviews that have come up, including any routine matters around research processes (for example, scheduling of appointments, completion of case report forms)
- Reflect on the pain reviews using an audio-recording or observe a pain review

1-3 weeks after the pain reviews start
3rd meeting: Reflect on the first few pain reviews, summarise and plan for the next meeting

4-7 weeks after the pain reviews start
4th meeting: Reflect on pain reviews, including any follow-ups, summarise and plan for the next meeting

7-12 weeks after the pain reviews start
5th meeting: Reflect on pain reviews, including any follow-ups, summarise and plan for saying goodbye
Preparing to say goodbye

- Use the 5th meeting to prepare to draw the pharmacist: champion relationship to a close
- Look back together over the pharmacist: champion relationship
- Understand the learning that has been achieved (by both the pharmacist and the champion)
- Celebrate the success of taking part in PROMPPT